Friday, May 3, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Human Resource Management - scum bagvas ExampleAs per the X and Y theory postulated by McGregor (1960) there are two large categories of attractionship styles having two different beliefs and assumptions about subordinates. This theory is called theory X and theory Y. The theory X style of leaders believes that most the great unwashed dislike work and will avoid it wherever possible. If people do work as desired, they may even get monetary or other rewards. supposition Y leaders assume that people will work hard and assume responsibility if they can satisfy their person-to-person needs and objectives and goals of their organization. Before adopting a particular style of leadership an effective leader needs to examine carefully his ideas about the motivation and behavior of subordinates. The authoritarian style of leadership is presume that the power of leaders is derived from the position they occupy and the people are lazy and unreliable.Bass,B.M 1960,New York, Leadership, ps ychology and organizational behavior. harper and BrothersThe leadership styles discussed so far applies to the top and middle levels of the organization. Control is also an issue at dispirit level in organizations where supervisors must directly harbor subordinates, which is called supervisory control. Output control and behavior control are the two types of supervisory strategies available to managers. Output control is based upon written records that measure employee outputs and productivity. bearing control is based upon ad hominem observation of employee behavior and procedures. It is a time consuming process because it requires personal surveillance. Daft, Richard, Organization theory and Design, west publishing company, 1989Surveillance is the Behavior control method based upon personal observation of employee behavior and procedures. This method is normally carried out at the lower level by the supervisors. supervisory practices contribute significantly to organizational climate. The degree of trust or its absence among

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